Adrianna Papell has zero tolerance for forced labor and we make every effort to prevent and eliminate products that are produced with forced labor from entering our supply chains.
We have implemented procedures in our daily operations to ensure that all our employees are fully aware of the possibility that imported merchandise may have been produced with forced labor.
When ordering product from our foreign suppliers, we carefully investigate the suppliers who were selected to produce our products.
We will not purchase product from suppliers who employ forced and/or child labor. If we discover that forced or child labor is used by one of our suppliers, we will discontinue doing business with them.
Upon receiving product in the U.S., we check the authenticity of accompanying bills of lading and determine that the product that is being received is not produced in a region where Forced Labor is known to be present.
We engage in training our foreign producers to ensure that forced labor is not present in their organizations, nor that it is present in the organizations of vendors that supply sub-assembly parts to the final producer. We ask our suppliers to inform us about their operations and how they treat their employees.
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